Friday, July 5, 2013

1307.1228 (J. Smak)

On the Nature of Superhumps    [PDF]

J. Smak
Further evidence is presented supporting the alternative interpretation of superhumps as being due to irradiation modulated periodically variable mass transfer rate. NZ Boo, HT Cas and PU UMa are added to the sample of high inclination dwarf novae showing -- during their superoutbursts -- modulation of the observed brightness of the disk with beat period. Simple model calculations confirm earlier hypothesis that this modulation is due to a non-axisymmetric structure of the outer parts of the disk, involving the azimuthal dependence of their geometrical thickness, rotating with the beat period. The modulation amplitude $A_{mod}$ is found to decrease during superoutbursts. In particular, it is found that during two superoutbursts of OY Car the rate of decline of the superhump amplitude $dA_{SH}/dt$ was correlated with the rate of decline $dA_{mod}/dt$. This leads to a simple explanation for the decreasing amplitudes of superhumps: it is a consequence of the decreasing modulation amplitude.
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