P. Bobik, G. Boella, M. J. Boschini, S. Della Torre, M. Gervasi, D. Grandi, G. La Vacca, K. Kudela, S. Pensotti, P. G. Rancoita, D. Rozza, M. Tacconi
The Cosmic Rays propagation was studied in details using the HelMod-2D Monte Carlo code, that includes a general description of the diffusion tensor, and polar magnetic-field. The Numerical Approach used in this work is based on a set of Stochastic Differential Equations fully equivalent to the well know Parker Equation for the transport of Cosmic Rays. In our approach the Diffusion tensor in the frame of the magnetic field turbolence does not depends explicitly by Solar Latitude but varies with time using a diffusion parameter obtained by Neutron Monitors. The parameters of the Model were tuned using data during the solar Cycle 23 and Ulysses latitudinal Fast Scan in 1995. The actual parametrization is able to well reproduce the observed latitudinal gradient of protons and the southward shift of the minimum of latitudinal intensity. The description of the model is also available online at website www.helmod.org. The model was then applied on Pamela/Ulysses proton intensity from 2006 up to 2009. The model during this 4-year continous period agree well with both PAMELA (at 1 AU) and Ulysses data (at various solar distance and solar latitude). The agreement improves when considering the ratio between this data. Studies done also with particles with different charge (e.g. electrons) allow us to explain the presence (or not) of protons and electrons latitudinal gradients observed by Ulysses during the Latitudinal Fast Scan in 1995 and 2007.
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