M. J. Boschini, C. Consolandi, S. Della Torre, M. Gervasi, D. Grandi, S. Haino, G. La Vacca, S. Pensotti, P. G. Rancoita, D. Rozza, M. Tacconi
We used a backtracing code to reconstruct particle trajectory inside the Earth Magnetosphere during the last solar active period (2011 and 2012) when very high Solar Wind pressure values were measured. We compared our results on AMS-02 proton and electron data with 2 different External Field models, namely Tsyganenko 1996 (T96) and 2005 (T05), both for quiet (defined as the periods when the solar wind pressure is below the average value, set at 2nPa) and active periods. Although T05 has been specifically designed for storm events, at high energy the particle trajectory is similar for the two models. For instance at rigidities larger than 50 GV, the RMS of angular difference between reconstructed asymptotic direction outside the Magnetosphere is of the order of the millirad, while it increases at intermediate energies. We also confirmed, as a function of the pointing direction, the well known East-West effect on the trajectory of primary particles and on the access solid angle on the AMS detector.
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