Monday, January 21, 2013

1301.4271 (David R Williams et al.)

Mass estimates of rapidly-moving prominence material from high-cadence EUV images    [PDF]

David R Williams, Deborah Baker, Lidia van Driel-Geszelyi
We present a new method for determining the column density of erupting filament material using state-of-the-art multi-wavelength imaging data. Much of the prior work on filament/prominence structure can be divided between studies that use a polychromatic approach with targeted campaign observations, and those that use synoptic observations, frequently in only one or two wavelengths. The superior time resolution, sensitivity and near-synchronicity of data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Advanced Imaging Assembly allow us to combine these two techniques using photo-ionisation continuum opacity to determine the spatial distribution of hydrogen in filament material. We apply the combined techniques to SDO/AIA observations of a filament which erupted during the spectacular coronal mass ejection on 2011 June 07. The resulting 'polychromatic opacity imaging' method offers a powerful way to track partially ionised gas as it erupts through the solar atmosphere on a regular basis, without the need for co-ordinated observations, thereby readily offering regular, realistic mass-distribution estimates for models of these erupting structures.
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