Thursday, February 23, 2012

1202.4938 (Paul M. Woods et al.)

On the formation of glycolaldehyde in dense molecular cores    [PDF]

Paul M. Woods, George Kelly, Serena Viti, Ben Slater, Wendy A. Brown, Fabrizio Puletti, Daren J. Burke, Zamaan Raza
Glycolaldehyde is a simple monosaccharide sugar linked to prebiotic chemistry. Recently it was detected in a molecular core in the star-forming region G31.41+0.31 at a reasonably high abundance. We investigate the formation of glycolaldehyde at 10K to determine whether it can form efficiently under typical dense core conditions. Using an astrochemical model, we test five different reaction mechanisms that have been proposed in the astrophysical literature, finding that a gas-phase formation route is unlikely. Of the grain-surface formation routes, only two are efficient enough at very low temperatures to produce sufficient glycolaldehyde to match the observational estimates, with the mechanism culminating in CH3OH + HCO being favoured. However, when we consider the feasibility of these mechanisms from a reaction chemistry perspective, the second grain-surface route looks more promising, H3CO + HCO.
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