Monday, July 29, 2013

1307.6961 (M. Pignatari et al.)

NuGrid stellar data set. I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with metallicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01    [PDF]

M. Pignatari, F. Herwig, R. Hirschi, M. Bennett, G. Rockefeller, C. Fryer, F. X. Timmes, A. Heger, S. Jones, U. Battino, C. Ritter, A. Dotter, R. Trappitsch, S. Diehl, U. Frischknecht, A. Hungerford, G. Magkotsios, C. Travaglio, P. Young
We provide our first set of stellar evolution sequences and nucleosynthesis calculations for low-mass, intermediate-mass and massive stars (Set 1 in NuGrid data production hereafter). Set 1 uses "baseline" physics assumptions for stellar models, which are 1D spherical symmetry, no rotation or magnetic fields and conservative assumptions for convective boundary mixing. Stellar data is provided for initial masses $M/\msun$ = 1.5, 3, 5, 15, 20, 25, 32, and 60 for a metallicity of $Z = 0.02$ and for $M/\msun$ = 1.5, 3, 5, 15, 20, and 25 for $Z = 0.01$. Low- and intermediate-mass models ($M \le 5\,\msun$) are computed until the end of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase and the massive star models until the end of Si burning. Explosive nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae is simulated using one-dimensional analytic trajectories. Post-processing calculations use the same nuclear reaction rates, providing an internally consistent set of yields and nucleosynthesis data for our entire mass range. We provide the first grid of stellar yields from H to Bi for low- and intermediate-mass models that include diffusive convective boundary mixing at the He-intershell boundaries and $s$-process nucleosynthesis during the AGB phase. For massive stars, Set 1 includes core-collapse supernovae models with fallback and high shock velocities We show the impact of these two variables on the light elements and on the $s$- and p-process. Comparing the yields from the different models we find, e.g., that intermediate-mass stars can significantly contribute to the production of oxygen in addition to massive stars.
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