Thursday, March 15, 2012

1203.2971 (Grzegorz Kowal et al.)

Reconnection Studies Under Different Types of Turbulence Driving    [PDF]

Grzegorz Kowal, Alex Lazarian, Ethan T. Vishniac, Katarzyna Otmianowska-Mazur
We study a model of fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of weak turbulence proposed by Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) using three-dimensional direct numerical simulations. The model has been already successfully tested in Kowal et al. (2009) confirming the dependencies of the reconnection speed $V_{rec}$ on the turbulence injection power $P_{inj}$ and the injection scale $l_{inj}$ expressed by a constraint $V_{rec} \sim P_{inj}^{1/2} l_{inj}^{3/4}$ and no observed dependency on Ohmic resistivity. In Kowal et al. (2009), in order to drive turbulence, we injected velocity fluctuations in Fourier space with frequencies concentrated around $k_{inj}=1/l_{inj}$, as described in Alvelius (1999). In this paper we extend our previous studies by comparing fast magnetic reconnection under different mechanisms of turbulence injection by introducing a new way of turbulence driving. The new method injects velocity or magnetic eddies with a specified amplitude and scale in random locations directly in real space. We provide exact relations between the eddy parameters and turbulent power and injection scale. We performed simulations with new forcing in order to study turbulent power and injection scale dependencies. The results show no discrepancy between models with two different methods of turbulence driving exposing the same scalings in both cases. This is in agreement with the Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) predictions. In addition, we performed a series of models with varying viscosity $\nu$. Although Lazarian and Vishniac (1999) do not provide any prediction for this dependence, we report a weak relation between the reconnection speed with viscosity, $V_{rec}\sim\nu^{-1/4}$.
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