1111.2274 (A. Moya)
A. Moya
Why bother with asteroseismology while studing exoplanets? There are several
answers to this question. Asteroseismology and exoplanetary sciences have well
known synergies opening scientific interesting fields and space missions
oportunities. These two fileds offer, together with stellar activity analyses,
a complete package of techniques to obtain as much information as possible of
exoplanetary systems from their observational time series. Asteroseismology has
already provided some very interesting results to understand a number of
stellar - exoplanets systems. An additional benefit of accurate asteroseismic
studies is the possible discovering of new exoplanets. The study of exoplanets
- stars interactions opens the window to the understanding of a number of
physical processes. In this review I will summarize the past and present of
this research field, and some guidelines for the next future.
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