Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0512 (Kyle E. Conroy et al.)

Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. IV. Precise Eclipse Times for Close Binaries and Identification of Candidate Three-Body Systems    [PDF]

Kyle E. Conroy, Andrej Prsa, Keivan G. Stassun, Jerome A. Orosz, Daniel C. Fabrycky, William F. Welsh
We present a catalog of precise eclipse times and analysis of third body signals among all 1193 close binaries in the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog. For these short period binaries, Kepler's 30 minute exposure time causes significant smearing of lightcurves and common astrophysical phenomena such as chromospheric activity, as well as imperfections in the light curve detrending process, can create systematic artifacts that may produce fictitious signals in the eclipse timings. We present a method to measure precise eclipse times in the presence of distorted lightcurves, such as in contact and near-contact binaries which exhibit continuously changing light levels in and out of eclipse. Systems for which we find a timing variation signal caused by the presence of a third body are identified. These are modeled for the light time travel effect and the basic properties of the third body are derived. This study complements Orosz et al. (2013; in prep), which focuses on eclipse timing variations of longer period binaries with flat out-of-eclipse regions. Together, these two papers provide comprehensive eclipse timings for all binaries in the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog, as an ongoing resource freely accessible online to the community.
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