Monday, June 3, 2013

1305.7263 (Lucia Kleint et al.)

Unusual Filaments Inside the Umbra    [PDF]

Lucia Kleint, Alberto Sainz Dalda
We analyze several unusual filamentary structures, which appeared in the umbra of one of the sunspots in AR 11302. They do not resemble typical light bridges, neither in morphology, nor in evolution. We analyze data from SDO/HMI to investigate their temporal evolution, Hinode/SP for photospheric inversions, IBIS for chromospheric imaging, and SDO/AIA for the overlying corona. Photospheric inversions reveal a horizontal, inverse Evershed flow along these structures, which we call umbral filaments. Chromospheric images show brightenings and energy dissipation, while coronal images indicate that bright coronal loops seem to end in these umbral filaments. These rapidly evolving features do not seem to be common, and are possibly related to the high flare-productivity of the active region. Their analysis could help to understand the complex evolution of active regions.
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