Thursday, April 4, 2013

1304.0860 (M. Marconi et al.)

The Eclipsing Binary Cepheid OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227 in the Large Magellanic Cloud: pulsation modelling of light and radial velocity curves    [PDF]

M. Marconi, R. Molinaro, G. Bono, G. Pietrzynski, W. Gieren, B. Pilecki, R. F. Stellingwerf, D. Graczyk, R. Smolec, P. Konorski, K. Suchomska, M. Gorski, P. Karczmarek
We performed a new and accurate fit of light and radial velocity curves of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) Cepheid --OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227-- belonging to a detached double-lined eclipsing binary system. We computed several sets of nonlinear, convective models covering a broad range in stellar mass, effective temperature and in chemical composition. The comparison between theory and observations indicates that current theoretical framework accounts for luminosity --V and I band-- and radial velocity variations over the entire pulsation cycle. Predicted pulsation mass --M=4.14+-0.06 Mo-- and mean effective temperature --Te=6100+-50 K-- do agree with observed estimates with an accuracy better than 1 sigma. The same outcome applies, on average, to the luminosity amplitudes and to the mean radius. We find that the best fit solution requires a chemical composition that is more metal--poor than typical LMC Cepheids (Z=0.004 vs 0.008) and slightly helium enhanced (Y=0.27 vs 0.25), but the sensitivity to He abundance is quite limited. Finally, the best fit model reddening --E(V-I)=0.171+-0.015 mag-- and the true distance modulus corrected for the barycenter of the LMC --mu_{0,LMC}=18.50+-0.02+-0.10 (syst) mag--, agree quite well with similar estimates in the recent literature.
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