Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.6265 (Pavel A. Denissenkov et al.)

MESA and NuGrid Simulations of Classical Nova Outbursts: ONe Nova and Nucleosynthesis    [PDF]

Pavel A. Denissenkov, James W. Truran, Marco Pignatari, Reto Trappitsch, Christian Ritter, Falk Herwig, Umberto Battino, Kiana Setoodehnia
Classical novae are the result of thermonuclear flashes of H accreted by CO or ONe white dwarfs, leading eventually to the dynamic ejection of the surface layers. These are observationally known to be enriched in heavy elements, such as C, O and Ne that must originate in layers below the H-flash convection zone. Building on our previous work we now present stellar evolution simulations of ONe nova, and provide a comprehensive comparison of our models with previous work. Some of our models include exponential convective boundary mixing model to account for the observed enrichment of the ejecta even when accreting material with a solar abundance distribution. Our models produce maximum temperature evolution profiles and nucleosynthesis yields in good agreement with models that generate enriched ejecta by assuming that the accreted material was pre-enriched. We confirm for ONe nova the result we reported previously, i.e. we found that 3He can be produced in situ in solar-composition envelopes accreted with slow rates (dM/dt < 1e-10 M_sun/yr) by cold (T_WD < 1e7 K) CO WDs, and that convection is triggered by 3He burning before the nova outburst in this case. In addition, we now find that the interplay between the 3He production and destruction in the solar-composition envelope accreted with an intermediate rate, e.g. dM/dt = 1e-10 M_sun/yr, by the 1.15 M_sun ONe WD with a relatively high initial central temperature, e.g. T_WD = 15e6 K, leads to the formation of a thick radiative buffer zone that separates the bottom of the convective envelope from the WD surface. (abridged)
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.6265

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