Thursday, March 21, 2013

1303.4766 (Vasyl Yurchyshyn et al.)

Dynamics of Chromospheric Upflows and Underlying Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

Vasyl Yurchyshyn, Valentyna Abramenko, Phil Goode
We used \ha-0.1 nm and magnetic field (at 1.56$\mu$) data obtained with the New Solar Telescope to study the origin of the disk counterparts to type II spicules, so-called rapid blueshifted excursions (RBEs). The high time cadence of our chromospheric (10 s) and magnetic field (45 s) data allowed us to generate x-t plots using slits parallel to the spines of the RBEs. These plots, along with potential field extrapolation, led us to suggest that the occurrence of RBEs is generally correlated with the appearance of new, mixed or unipolar fields in close proximity to network fields. RBEs show a tendency to occur at the interface between large-scale fields and small-scale dynamic magnetic loops and thus are likely to be associated with existence of a magnetic canopy. Detection of kinked and/or inverse "Y" shaped RBEs further confirm this conclusion.
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