Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1210.3750 (Warren A. Reid)

A multi-wavelength investigation of newly discovered planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Central stars    [PDF]

Warren A. Reid
Having completed my search for faint PNe in the LMC, including the outer 64 deg2 area not covered in the original UKST survey, I now have the most complete number of PNe within any galaxy with which to assess stellar parameters. I present preliminary estimates for planetary nebula central star temperatures for 688 LMC PNe using the excitation class parameter derived from emission lines in the neb- ula. These are then compared to a photoionisation model in order to evaluate the contri- bution of metallicity when determining stellar temperatures using only emission lines. I include measurements from my latest confirmatory spectroscopic observations which have yielded a further 110 new LMC PNe while confirming the 102 previously known PNe in the outer LMC. These observations, providing low and medium resolution spec- tra from 3650{\AA} to 6900{\AA}, have been added to my comparable data for PNe in the central 25deg2 of the LMC. The combined data were used to measure fluxes in prepa- ration for a number of projects related to luminosity functions, chemical abundances, central star properties and LMC kinematics. Here I provide a preliminary look at the range of derived central star effective temperature estimates. I also show a correlation between the central star temperatures and the expansion velocity of the nebula.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.3750

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