Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1206.2374 (Isabelle Baraffe et al.)

Observed luminosity spread in young clusters and Fu Ori stars: a unified picture    [PDF]

Isabelle Baraffe, Eduard Vorobyov, Gilles Chabrier
The idea that non steady accretion during the embedded phase of protostar evolution can produce the observed luminosity spread in the Herzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD) of young clusters has recently been called into question. Observations of Fu Ori, for instance, suggest an expansion of the star during strong accretion events whereas the luminosity spread implies a contraction of the accreting objects, decreasing their radiating surface. In this paper, we present a global scenario based on calculations coupling episodic accretion histories derived from numerical simulations of collapsing cloud prestellar cores of various masses and subsequent protostar evolution. Our calculations show that, assuming an initial protostar mass $\mi \sim 1\,\mjup$, typical of the second Larson's core, both the luminosity spread in the HRD and the inferred properties of Fu Ori events (mass, radius, accretion rate) can be explained by this scenario, providing two conditions. First, there must be some variation within the fraction of accretion energy absorbed by the protostar during the accretion process. Second the range of this variation should increase with increasing accretion burst intensity, and thus with the initial core mass and final star mass. The numerical hydrodynamics simulations of collapsing cloud prestellar cores indeed show that the intensity of the accretion bursts correlates with the mass and initial angular momentum of the prestellar core. Massive prestellar cores with high initial angular momentum are found to produce intense bursts characteristic of Fu Ori like events. Our results thus suggest a link between the burst intensities and the fraction of accretion energy absorbed by the protostar, with some threshold in the accretion rate, of the order of $10^{-5}\msolyr$, delimitating the transition from "cold" to "hot" accretion. [Abridged]
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