Friday, May 25, 2012

1205.5312 (R. Yuen et al.)

Changes in Polarization Position Angle across the Eclipse in the Double Pulsar System    [PDF]

R. Yuen, R. N. Manchester, M. Burgay, F. Camilo, M. Kramer, D. B. Melrose, I. H. Stairs
We investigate the changes in polarization position angle in radiation from pulsar A around the eclipse in the Double Pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B at the 20 cm and 50 cm wavelengths using the Parkes 64-m telescope. The changes are ~2\sigma\ during and shortly after the eclipse at 20 cm but less significant at 50 cm. We show that the changes in position angle during the eclipse can be modelled by differential synchrotron absorption in the eclipse regions. Position angle changes after the eclipse are interpreted as Faraday rotation in the magnetotail of pulsar B. Implied charge densities are consistent with the Goldreich-Julian density, suggesting that the particle energies in the magnetotail are mildly relativistic.
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