Catrina M. Hamilton, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Reinhard Mundt, William Herbst, Joshua N. Winn
We have obtained 48 high resolution echelle spectra of the pre-main sequence eclipsing binary system KH~15D (V582 Mon, P = 48.37 d, $e$ $\sim$ 0.6, M$_{A}$ = 0.6 M$_{\odot}$, M$_{B}$ = 0.7 M$_{\odot}$). The eclipses are caused by a circumbinary disk seen nearly edge on, which at the epoch of these observations completely obscured the orbit of star B and a large portion of the orbit of star A. The spectra were obtained over five contiguous observing seasons from 2001/2002 to 2005/2006 while star A was fully visible, fully occulted, and during several ingress and egress events. The H$\alpha$ line profile shows dramatic changes in these time series data over timescales ranging from days to years. A fraction of the variations are due to "edge effects" and depend only on the height of star A above or below the razor sharp edge of the occulting disk. Other observed variations depend on the orbital phase: the H$\alpha$ emission line profile changes from an inverse P Cygni type profile during ingress to an enhanced double-peaked profile, with both a blue and red emission component, during egress. Each of these interpreted variations are complicated by the fact that there is also a chaotic, irregular component present in these profiles. We find that the complex data set can be largely understood in the context of accretion onto the stars from a circumbinary disk with gas flows as predicted by the models of eccentric T Tauri binaries put forward by Artymowicz & Lubow, G\"{u}nther & Kley, and de Val-Borro et al. In particular, our data provide strong support for the pulsed accretion phenomenon, in which enhanced accretion occurs during and after perihelion passage.
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