Friday, March 30, 2012

1203.6488 (Masaomi Ono et al.)

Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Magnetohydrodynamical Jets from Collapsars II. Heavy-element nucleosynthesis of s, r, p-processes    [PDF]

Masaomi Ono, Masa-aki Hashimoto, Shin-ichiro Fujimoto, Kei Kotake, Shoichi Yamada
We investigate the nucleosynthesis in a massive star of 70 M_solar with solar metallicity in the main sequence stage. The helium core mass after hydrogen burning corresponds to 32 M_solar. Nucleosynthesis calculations have been performed during the stellar evolution and the jet-like supernova explosion of a collapsar model. We focus on the production of heavier elements than iron. Nucleosynthesis calculations have been done by using large nuclear reaction networks, where the weak s-, p-, and r-processes are taken into account. We confirm that s-elements of 60 < A < 90 are highly overproduced relative to the solar abundances in the hydrostatic nucleosynthesis. During oxygen burning, p-elements of A > 90 are produced via photodisintegrations of seed s-elements. However, the produced p-elements are destructed in later stages except for ^{180}Ta. In the explosive nucleosynthesis, elements of 90 < A < 160 are significantly overproduced relative to the solar values owing to the r-process, which is very different from the results of spherical explosion models. Only heavy p-elements (N > 50) are overproduced relative to the solar values via the p-process because of the low peak temperatures in the oxygen and neon-rich layers. We confirm primary synthesis of light p-elements in the ejected matter of high peak temperature. The ejected matter has [Sr/Eu] \sim -0.4, which is different from that of a typical r-process-enriched star of CS22892-052 ([Sr/Eu] \sim -1). We find that Sr-Y-Zr isotopes are primarily synthesized in the explosive nucleosynthesis in a similar process of the primary production of light p-elements, which could be one of the sites of a lighter element primary process (LEPP).
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