A. Sainz Dalda, S. Vargas Dominguez, T. D. Tarbell
The high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution achieved by Hinode
instruments give much better understanding of the behavior of some elusive
solar features, such as pores and naked sunspots. Their fast evolution and, in
some cases, their small sizes have made their study difficult. The moving
magnetic features, despite being more dynamic structures, have been studied
during the last 40 years. They have been always associated with sunspots,
especially with the penumbra. However, a recent observation of a naked sunspot
(one with no penumbra) has shown MMF activity. The authors of this reported
observation expressed their reservations about the explanation given to the
bipolar MMF activity as an extension of the penumbral filaments into the moat.
How can this type of MMFs exist when a penumbra does not? In this paper, we
study the full magnetic and (horizontal) velocity topology of the same naked
sunspot, showing how the existence of a magnetic field topology similar to that
observed in sunspots can explain these MMFs, even when the intensity map of the
naked sunspot does not show a penumbra.
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