Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1107.0834 (X. Y. Lai et al.)

H-cluster stars    [PDF]

X. Y. Lai, C. Y. Gao, R. X. Xu
The state of cold matter at supra-nuclear density depends on the non-perturbative nature of quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD) and is essential for modeling pulsars. In compact stars at only a few nuclear densities and extremely low temperature, quarks could be interacting strongly with each other there. That might render quarks grouped in clusters, although the hypothetical quark-clusters in cold dense matter has not been confirmed due to the lack of both theoretical and experimental evidence. Motivated by recent lattice QCD simulations of the H-dibaryons (with structure uuddss), we are considering here a possible kind of quark-clusters, H-clusters, that could emerge inside compact stars during their initial cooling, as the dominant components inside. We study the stars composed of H-clusters, i.e., H-cluster stars, and derive the dependence of their maximum mass on the potential of H-H interaction and the in-medium stiffening effect, showing that the maximum mass could be well above 2 M_sun under reasonable parameters. Besides a general understanding of different manifestations of compact stars, we expect further observational and experimental tests for H-cluster stars in the future.
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