Joshua E. Schlieder, Sébastien Lépine, Michal Simon
As part of our continuing effort to identify new, low-mass members of nearby,
young moving groups (NYMGs), we present a list of young, low-mass candidates in
the northern hemisphere. We used our proven proper motion selection procedure
and ROSAT-X-ray and GALEX-UV activity indicators to identify 204 young stars as
candidate members of the Beta Pictoris and AB Doradus NYMGs. Definitive
membership assignment of a given candidate will require a measurement of its
radial velocity and distance. We present a simple system of indices to
characterize the young candidates and help prioritize follow up observations.
New group members identified in this candidate list will be high priority
targets for: 1) exoplanet direct imaging searches, 2) the study of post-T-Tauri
astrophysics, 3) understanding recent local star formation, and 4) the study of
local galactic kinematics. Information available now allows us to identify 8
likely new members in the list. Two of these, a late-K and an early-M dwarf, we
find to be likely members of the Beta Pic group. The other six stars are likely
members of the AB Dor moving group. These include an M dwarf triple system, and
three very cool objects that may be young brown dwarfs, making them the
lowest-mass, isolated objects proposed in the AB Dor moving group to date.
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