Thursday, January 5, 2012

1201.0560 (S. Siregar et al.)

Kepler's Constant and WDS Orbit    [PDF]

S. Siregar, R. N. Pratama
The aim of this work are to find a Kepler's constant by using polynomial regression of the angular separation \rho = \rho(t) and the position angle \theta = \theta(t). The Kepler's constant obtained is used to derive the element of orbit. As a case study the angular separation and the position angle of the WDS 00063 +5826 and the WDS 04403-5857 were investigated. For calculating the element of orbit the Thiele-Innes van den Bos method is used. The rough data of the angular separation \rho(t) and the position angle \theta(t) are taken from the US Naval Observatory, Washington. This work also presents the masses and absolute bolometric magnitudes of each star.These stars include into the main-sequence stars with the spectral class G5V for WDS04403-5857and the type of spectrum G3V for WDS 00063+5826. The life time of the primary star and the secondary star of WDS 04403-5857 nearly equal to 20 Gyr. The life time of the primary star and the secondary star of WDS 00063+5826 are 20 Gyr and 19 Gyr, respectively.
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