Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1109.1429 (Sneha Honnappa et al.)

Single pulse analysis of PSR B1133+16 at 8.35 GHz and carousel circulation time    [PDF]

Sneha Honnappa, Wojciech Lewandowski, Jaroslaw Kijak, Avinash A. Deshpande, Janusz Gil, Olaf Maron, Axel Jessner
A successful attempt was made to analyse about 6000 single pulses of PSR B1133+16 obtained with the 100-meter Effelsberg radio-telescope. The high resolution (60 micro-seconds) data were taken at a frequency of 8.35 GHz with a bandwidth of 1.1 GHz. In order to examine the pulse-to-pulse intensity modulations, we performed both the longitude- and the harmonic-resolved fluctuation spectral analysis. We identified the low frequency feature associated with an amplitude modulation at f4 ~ 0.033 P1^(-1), which can be interpreted as the circulation time P4 ~ 30 P1 of the underlying subbeam carousel model. Despite an erratic nature of this pulsar, we also found an evidence of periodic pseudo-nulls with P4 = 28.44 P1. This is exactly the value at which Herfindal & Rankin found periodic pseudo-nulls in their 327 MHz data. We thus believe that this is the actual carousel circulation time in PSR B1133+16, particularly during orderly circulation.
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