Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1102.1238 (Y. Iida et al.)

Detection of flux emergence, splitting, merging, and cancellation in quiet Sun    [PDF]

Y. Iida, H. Hagenaar, T. Yokoyama
We investigate the frequency of magnetic activities, namely flux emergence, splitting, merging, and cancellation, through an automatic detection in order to understand the generation of the power-law distribution of magnetic flux reported by Parnell et al. (2009). The quiet Sun magnetograms observed in the Na I line by Hinode/ SOT is used in this study. Investigated patches range from 10^{17}Mx to 10^{19}Mx. Emergence and cancellation are much less frequent than merging and splitting. The time scale for splitting is found to be ~33 minutes and is independent of the flux contained in the splitting patch. Moreover magnetic patches split into any flux contents with an equal probability. It is shown that such a fragmentation process leads to a distribution with a power-law index -2. Merging has a very weak dependence on flux content only with a power-law index -0.33. These results suggest that 1) magnetic patches are fragmented by splitting, merging, and tiny cancellation; 2) flux is removed from the photosphere through tiny cancellations after these fragmentations.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1238

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