Thursday, January 26, 2012

1101.6017 (Tongjiang Wang et al.)

Propagating Intensity Disturbances in Fan-like Coronal Loops: Flows or Waves?    [PDF]

Tongjiang Wang, Leon Ofman, Joseph M. Davila
Quasi-periodic intensity disturbances propagating upward along the coronal structure have been extensively studied using EUV imaging observations from SOHO/EIT and TRACE. They were interpreted as either slow mode magnetoacoustic waves or intermittent upflows. In this study we aim at demonstrating that time series of spectroscopic observations are critical to solve this puzzle. Propagating intensity and Doppler shift disturbances in fanlike coronal loops are analyzed in multiple wavelengths using the sit-and-stare observations from Hinode/EIS. We find that the disturbances did not cause the blue-wing asymmetry of spectral profiles in the warm (~1.5 MK) coronal lines. The estimated small line-of-sight velocities also did not support the intermittent upflow interpretation. In the hot (~2 MK) coronal lines the disturbances did cause the blue-wing asymmetry, but the double fits revealed that a high-velocity minor component is steady and persistent, while the propagating intensity and Doppler shift disturbances are mainly due to variations of the core component, therefore, supporting the slow wave interpretation. However, the cause for blueward line asymmetries remains unclear.
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