Monday, December 26, 2011

1112.5552 (K. J. H. Phillips)

The Solar Photospheric-to-Coronal Fe abundance from X-ray Fluorescence Lines    [PDF]

K. J. H. Phillips
The ratio of the Fe abundance in the photosphere to that in coronal flare plasmas is determined by X-ray lines within the complex at 6.7~keV (1.9~\AA) emitted during flares. The line complex includes the He-like Fe (\fexxv) resonance line $w$ (6.70~keV) and Fe K$\alpha$ lines (6.39, 6.40~keV), the latter being primarily formed by the fluorescence of photospheric material by X-rays from the hot flare plasma. The ratio of the Fe K$\alpha$ lines to the \fexxv\ $w$ depends on the ratio of the photospheric-to-flare Fe abundance, heliocentric angle $\theta$ of the flare, and the temperature $T_e$ of the flaring plasma. Using high-resolution spectra from X-ray spectrometers on the {\em P78-1} and {\em Solar Maximum Mission} spacecraft, the Fe abundance in flares is estimated to be $1.6\pm 0.5$ and $2.0 \pm 0.3$ times the photospheric Fe abundance, the {\em P78-1} value being preferred as it is more directly determined. This enhancement is consistent with results from X-ray spectra from the {\em RHESSI} spacecraft, but is significantly less than a factor 4 as in previous work.
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