Wednesday, December 21, 2011

1112.4790 (Bradley W. Hindman)

An Improved Method for Fitting p-Mode Profile Asymmetries    [PDF]

Bradley W. Hindman
In a power spectrum of the Sun's acoustic waves, the p modes have distinctly skewed frequency profiles. Furthermore, the asymmetry is observed to have the opposite sign in power spectra made from line-of-sight velocity and continuum intensity. The asymmetry and its reversal in sign has previously been explained using a combination of mechanisms that involve the acoustic source. A localized acoustic source within an acoustic cavity naturally generates asymmetric profiles through wave interference; however, the sign of the asymmetry due to this mechanism is identical for all observables. The reversal of the asymmetry between velocity and intensity observations has been attributed to the visibility of the source itself (i.e., "correlated noise"). In this paper, I will show that asymmetry generated by a localized source can be interpreted as either a wave interference effect in physical space, or a mode interference effect in spectral space. I advocate a new mode-fitting procedure based on this new interpretation, whereby the complex phases of all the modes determine the mode asymmetries. Further, I suggest that information about the acoustic source function is encapsulated in the amplitude of each mode, and present a scheme by which the source function can be obtained from measured mode amplitudes by standard helioseismic inversion techniques.
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