Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1111.3433 (E. Alecian et al.)

First HARPSpol discoveries of magnetic fields in massive stars    [PDF]

E. Alecian, O. Kochukhov, C. Neiner, G. A. Wade, B. de Batz, H. Henrichs, J. H. Grunhut, J. -C. Bouret, M. Briquet, M. Gagne, Y. Naze, M. E. Oksala, T. Rivinius, R . H. D. Townsend, N. R. Walborn, W. Weiss, the MiMeS collaboration
In the framework of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project, a HARPSpol Large Program at the 3.6m-ESO telescope has recently started to collect high-resolution spectropolarimetric data of a large number of Southern massive OB stars in the field of the Galaxy and in many young clusters and associations. In this Letter, we report on the first discoveries of magnetic fields in two massive stars with HARPSpol - HD 130807 and HD 122451, and confirm the presence of a magnetic field at the surface of HD 105382 that was previously observed with a low spectral resolution device. The longitudinal magnetic field measurements are strongly varying for HD 130807 from $\sim$-100 G to $\sim$700 G. Those of HD 122451 and HD 105382 are less variable with values ranging from $\sim$-40 to -80 G, and from $\sim$-300 to -600 G, respectively. The discovery and confirmation of three new magnetic massive stars, including at least two He-weak stars, is an important contribution to one of the MiMeS objectives: the understanding of origin of magnetic fields in massive stars and their impacts on stellar structure and evolution.
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