Friday, November 11, 2011

1108.0559 (Luca Bonanno et al.)

Composition and stability of hybrid stars with hyperons and quark color-superconductivity    [PDF]

Luca Bonanno, Armen Sedrakian
The recent measurement of a $1.97\pm 0.04$ solar-mass pulsar places a stringent lower bound on the maximum mass of compact stars and therefore challenges the existence of any agents that soften the equation of state of ultra-dense matter. We investigate whether hyperons and/or quark matter can be accommodated in massive compact stars by constructing an equation of state based on a combination of phenomenological relativistic hyper-nuclear density functional and an effective model of quantum chromodynamics (the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model). Stable configurations are obtained with $M \ge 1.97 M_{\sun}$ featuring hyper-nuclear and quark matter in color superconducting state if the equation of state of nuclear matter is stiff above the saturation density, the transition to quark matter takes place at a few times the nuclear saturation density, and the repulsive vector interactions in quark matter are substantial.
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