Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1110.5475 (Remo Collet et al.)

The StaggerGrid Project: a Grid of 3D Model Atmospheres for High-Precision Spectroscopy    [PDF]

Remo Collet, Zazralt Magic, Martin Asplund
In this contribution, we present the StaggerGrid, a collaborative project for the construction of a comprehensive grid of time-dependent, three-dimensional (3D), hydrodynamic model atmospheres of solar- and late-type stars with different effective temperatures, surface gravities, and chemical compositions. We illustrate the main characteristics of these 3D models and their effects on the predicted strengths, wavelength-shifts, and shapes of spectral lines, highlighting the differences with respect to calculations based on classical, one-dimensional, hydrostatic models, and discuss some of their possible applications to elemental abundance analysis of stellar spectra in the context of large observational surveys.
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